February 28, 2006

The Express - Part II

It was a mistake to show this blog page to Timmy. He's been asking to see it every morning and night, even with the Express in his hands! He says good night to it, and before he leaves for school, he says "bye-bye" to it. Sigh...

February 27, 2006

The Express - don't leave home without it!

This is the Express. One of the many faithful coaches that mighty Gordon pulls to ferry his passengers around the island of Sodor.

Those familiar with Thomas the Tank Engine and Friends would know what I'm going on about.

If anything qualifies as Timmy's first love, this is it. Well, ok... possibly on par with mummy, and not so long ago his "tu-tu" (pacifier). But this is something he must have with him.

Regardless of what toys he is playing, no one else is allowed to touch it. When he cycles around, he must have it in the basket. When we go out shopping, or to the church, he must bring it along. When he goes to school, he must have it with him for that short journey in the car. (We warned him of the possible dreadful fate of the Express should he try to bring it into school, so that's the only exception he allows.) When he sleeps, he must have it next to him. Even in dreamland, he would flail his hands around the bed seeking for the unmistakable rattle of its wheels, reach out and hold it securely in his little palm.

It's a mystery, this fascination with the decidedly unglam Express. It's not adorned with bright colours, like the other trains are. It doesn't have its own engine, no exhaust, no smiling face like the other engines, yet Timmy doesn't care for the Thomas or Gordon or James - he just want his Express, ever since he was about a year old. When Jerry and he used to get into fights over the trains, it was easy to resolve - just persuade Jerry to play with the other more glamorous trains and give the Express to Timmy.

I wonder how long his fixation with the Express will last. But it was the same for his "tu-tu" - we never thought he would be able be give it up. Until the day, about 2 months ago, when mummy tricked him into throwing the badly chewed-up thing into the dustbin, thinking they were just playing - only to be told that it's gone forever down the rubbish chute. Occasionally he still asks to look into the rubbish chute to see if he can find anything, and we would dutifully oblige - opening up the chute cover so that he can stare into the dark empty abyss. Today in church, while rummaging through his rugsack, he muttered "tu-tu". But I'm sure he knew it's wishful thinking, with no real hope of finding it. In the meantime the dull but dependable Express will serve as his source of comfort and security.

February 24, 2006


We decided today to sign Jeremy up for Chinese class, with his cousins. And Timothy keeps saying he wants to attend phonics class like his "kor-kor". So today I tried teaching him how to pronounce "s" - he always go "th".

Daddy: Close your teeth
Timmy closes teeth
Daddy: Say "sssssss...."
Timmy sticks tongue between teeth and goes "thhhhhh..."
Daddy: No, put your tongue inside
Timmy uses both hands to try to push his tongue in
Daddy: No, don't use your hands, just close your teeth again... yes, that's right... and "ssss..."

Daddy gives up. Yeah, he needs phonics class all right.

February 21, 2006

Hugs and Kisses

Lately, Timothy has been pretty affectionate and generous with his kisses, especially towards me (mummy dearest..hee...). However, he is quite "resistent" when it comes to receiving kisses (of course not when they are from mummy dearest). Jeremy, on the other hand, does not usually show much affection.

Few nights ago, Jerry attempted to kiss Timmy in the car. But they ended up struggling because Timmy refused to let Jerry do so. Jerry was so upset, but good thing is, he never gave up. Just before we went to bed that same night, they were happily playing together and i saw Jerry carrying Timmy from one seat to another (a BIG brother at work!!). Suddenly, Jerry gave Timmy a hug and kiss and told him that he loves him.. Timmy kind of returned that love by giving Jerry a kiss... sigh! what a beautiful scene.. (by the way, i almost burst out laughing, cos it was kind of funny!!)

February 17, 2006

Getting married

Tomorrow will be their "gu-gu" (my sis)'s ROM. Last night we told that to Jeremy, and he asked why children cannot get married.

Daddy: Do you want to get married now?
Jeremy: Yes!
Daddy: Who do you want to marry?
Jeremy: . . . . . . I'll think about it . . .

I was expecting it to be Rachel, or someone from school. But still no answer by the time we slept (or rather, I slept). Decisions, decisions... affairs of the heart are never easy even for adults, what more for a 5-year old?

I didn't have the heart to tell him that whichever "lucky" girl he chooses doesn't really matter... she will need to pass a stringent MIL test. Yes, she needs to be QC-inspected, by none other than the prospective mother-in-law.

February 11, 2006

Crossing the road

For the second week in a row Jeremy has insisted on taking the lift downstairs on his own, getting out the side gate and crossing the road to wait for Uncle Gulam, who's picking him up for his phonics class with his cousins. I missed the first one, but this time there was a snag - an old gentleman coming in the side gate refused to let him out, saying he's too young to be venturing out on his own. Mummy rushed to the rescue, hurrying down and assuring the man that all's well. Actually I didn't know he wanted to cross the road himself, otherwise would have tried to do some dry runs this morning on the way to the market...

Timmy's first day of school, and it looks like Jerry's doing what he can to lighten up the day for a very sullen-faced Timmy.

3 and 5 now

How time flies.

We recently celebrated their 3rd and 5th birthdays together with the Kangaroo Creek Gang.

And here's a recent pic of them on a recent Genting trip, Jerry doing his big brotherly bit, driving his little bro around.

Jeremy & Timothy

Inspired by a blog set up for their cousins (see http://ronaldpang.blogspot.com/), we have decided to set up one for our own little rascals. Should be a fun way to share their pics and growing up stories with others.

Here's Timmy on the ball, with Jerry in a similar pose in a pic taken 2 years earlier.