March 21, 2006


Two nights ago Jeremy got punished.

Timmy took out some picture cards to play, and Jeremy joined in. When Timmy insisted on taking a specific card, Jeremy quickly swept them all to one side and started gathering them up, refusing to let Timmy have his card. I intervened, reminding Jerry that he has to share the cards, especially since Timmy started playing with them first. Jerry gave me his angry stare, then thumped Timmy's back with his fist.

That set me marching off immediately to the closet to get the cane. He knew that, and before you can say "MR IN-CRE-DI-BLE" he swooped past behind me into the study to hide. I thought I heard something went past, but didn't think it could be him, so I walked back to to living room looking for him. Mummy said he's in the room, and I was like: "Wow! So that was him!" Reminded me of Dash in the movie.

I found him under the study table, already crying badly. On mummy's advice I didn't have the cane, but I told him I had to punish him, and asked whether he knew what he did wrong? After several times he nodded reluctantly, so after lecturing him I asked for his palm. He kept saying "Not so hard..." I used maybe 60% of a full smack on his palm, enough to send him bawling.

Kind of heart-breaking when you have to do these things... but I guess sometimes a dad's got to do what a dad's got to do.

March 2, 2006

Our very own Lion Dance Troupe

Last night while watching TV in the living room, i heard some knocking sounds from my bedroom (where both of them were playing). Decided to check it out since they can be potential "destroyers". And guess what were they doing? They were pretending that they were lion dancers.. Jeremy was the drummer and Timmy, the lion. They looked so cute.. the picture on top shows Timmy lying down, and you know why he was in this posture? (unlike the picture at the bottom where Jeremy was the lion and he was dancing away) I believe he was imitating this lion that we saw during chinese new year at the market. That lion did not dance at all, it was lying on the floor 99% of the time, during the performance. (Think that lion was trying to peel some oranges and form some words)... It's amazing how kids form their impressions!!